Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Making the Switch

I have to admit. I am someone who follows celebrity news, probably more often then I should. I can tell you the latest news about any music artist, movie star, sports player and model. I am always updated on the latest issue that Lindsay Lohan caused or the newest fashion that Kim Kardashian was seen wearing. I am not necessarily proud of the information that I know about celebrities and frankly, I am not sure why I care about any of that stuff. That is why I decided to make a slight change in the way that I interpret the news and the current events that are happening in our country. I want to educate myself to know more about the issues in Iraq and Afghanistan, rather then knowing pointless facts about celebrities. I find it ridiculous that someone like Lindsey Lohan gets more media attention for going in to rehab, then a 20 year old soldier who was killed in war for serving our country. That is why I have decided to post some small biographies about a few of the soldiers who have been killed in the war. I know it's not much, since my blog will not reach millions of people like other news outlets, but I think these men and women deserve at least some recognition for their sacrifices. The title of my blog "It's Never Over" literally means it's never over. I am sad to say that fallen soldiers will never replace current celebrity news on the television, Internet and in magazines. Also, unfortunately in today's world young soldiers are never going to be out of harms way when these issues with the Middle East are still occurring.                  

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